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PHP: substr - Manual | Example #2 Using a negative length


If length is omitted, the substring starting from start until the end of the string will be returned. Example #2 Using a negative length.

IBM Error 761 trying to connect


You try to connect to a database server but you see this error: -761 INFORMIXSERVER does not match either DBSERVERNAME or DBSERVERALIASES.




JavaScript String substring() Method


The substring() method extracts the characters from a string, between two specified indices, and returns the new sub string. This method extracts the characters in a string between "start" and "end", not including "end" itself. If "start" is greater than "end", this method will swap the two arguments...

ASN.1 Length encoding (using BER) - Stack Overflow


This should be pretty basic but, I've been scratching my head around it for some time, so I thought I should ask around, so thanks in advance for the help. So my question is, I have this sequence: …

CodingBat-Solutions/String-1.java at master...


public String middleThree(String str). { int len = str.length()/2

String.prototype.substr() - JavaScript | MDN | Веб-документация MDN


Метод substr() возвращает указанное количество символов из строки, начиная с указанной позиции.

Longest Palindromic Substring | Set 1 - GeeksforGeeks


Given a string, find the longest substring which is palindrome. For example, if the given string is “forgeeksskeegfor”, the output should be

SUBSTR Function :: SAS/IML(R) 13.1 User's Guide


The SUBSTR function takes a character matrix as an argument (along with starting positions and lengths) and produces a character matrix with the same dimensions as the argument. Elements of the result matrix are substrings of the corresponding argument elements.

SUBSTRING (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Docs


length Is a positive integer or bigint expression that specifies how many characters of the expression will be returned.

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