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How do I get a file extension in PHP? - Stack Overflow


$file = new SplFileInfo($path); $ext = $file->getExtension(); Often you can write better code if you pass such an object around instead of a string.

filesystems - PHP File Manager - Stack Overflow


I recently started working on a PHP File Manager for my server, as I figured it'd be extremely convient to use, as well as allowing me to brush up on

tinyfilemanager.php · GitHub


* H3K | Tiny File Manager. * CCP Programmers.

intitle:"PHP Explorer" ext:php (inurl:phpexplorer.php | inurl:list.php)


This searches for PHP Explorer scripts. This looks like a file manager with some nice extra options for an attacker, such as phpinfo, create/list directories and execute command shell. Not many results in this search and some only cached. Over time this may prove to be interesting if Google finds more...

Latest Google Dorks List | Intitle


php inurl:"webeditor.php" filetype:php inurl:index inurl:phpicalendar -site:sourceforge.net filetype:php inurl:ipinfo.php "Distributed Intrusion Detection

Google Hacking Database.docx | Web Server | Apache Http Server


Invision Power File Manager is a popular file management script, written. the popular PHP Scr. 2004- intitle:index of parent This search uses desktop.ini to track users with a webserver running on 12-05 director desktop computers 2004- intext:Powered By: 11-28 TotalIndex intitle

Deface Menggunakan Poc PHP File Manager - YouTube


Dork: - intitle:"PHP File Manager" ext:php - intitle:"PHP File Manager" ext:php intext:rename,edit,delete.

PHP: pathinfo - Manual


Note that in PHP 4 (if you're stuck using it), pathinfo only provides dirname, basename, and extension, but not filename. This function will not split a file's

PHP для начинающих. Подключение файлов / Хабр


В продолжении серии «PHP для начинающих», сегодняшняя статья будет посвящена тому, как PHP ищет и подключает файлы.

Готовим локальную среду Docker для разработки на PHP


В данном случае мы установим некоторые зависимости и модули PHP.# Для установки модулей используем команду docker-php-ext-install.# На каждый RUN создается новый слой в образе, поэтому рекомендуется объединять команды.

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